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Jessika Rabbit 619

About Us
Welcome to the world of Sharron Bolden, an accomplished talent manager and CEO with a track record of guiding dynamic talents to success. Sharron heads Elite Executive Services and IssaWave24, managing and representing high-profile clients, including @socalbarbieee_newpage, with a focus on impactful branding, career growth, and media presence.

A proud San Diego native, Sharron has honed her expertise through formal studies at Michigan State University and a formative education at Morse Senior High. She brings a unique blend of local insight and global industry knowledge to her work, driven by a passion for developing her clients' full potential and guiding them toward meaningful achievements.

Follow Sharron’s journey and discover her work 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessikarabbit619/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sharron.bolden.5/
OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/jessicarabbit619

Contact info
Phone: 619-867-4911
Email: jessikarabbit@mygigbookings.com


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